The I-64 Corridor between Kingshighway and Jefferson is an essential route for homes, schools, and businesses. The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) is working with the community to determine the future of the corridor in terms of needs and desired outcomes. Before MoDOT makes any improvements to the corridor, it will evaluate the existing conditions of roadways, interchanges, surface streets, and bicycle/pedestrian access.
The method the department is using is formally known as a Planning and Environmental Linkages study or PEL. This PEL study will look at the potential impact future projects will have on the environment, the community, and connectivity in the area. MoDOT is conducting the PEL now so when funding is identified for corridor projects, construction can begin sooner.
The PEL study for the I-64 central corridor is called: Future64: Community. Transportation. Together. The title reflects the importance of public engagement and community involvement in this process. As a result, this study will incorporate ongoing engagement that is equitable and inclusive to help ensure that a wide range and extensive number of voices are heard, and that equity is the focus of proposed solutions.
The Missouri Department of Transportation anticipates incorporating recommendations made as part of the PEL study into future NEPA studies, per Title 23 of the US Code, Part 168.
MoDOT would like to thank everyone who contacted us about Future64 either in-person, online, or through written correspondence. Thousands of people provided feedback, and the in-person meetings were a huge success in terms of soliciting input for the PEL study.
Click the links below to view the study materials.
How do you determine signal movements at an intersection? What type of careers are available at the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT)? Why is it important to get involved in Future64? These were just some of the questions the Future64 team answered when it met recently with nearly 80 students participating in the St. Louis Science Center’s YES (Youth Exploring Science) program for underserved St. Louis area teens. Throughout their high school years, YES students participate in inquiry-based learning that focuses on science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics. Thus, they were the perfect audience for MoDOT Area Engineer Jennifer Wade and Future64 Project Manager Shaun Tooley to talk about transportation engineering and Future64. Part of their presentation involved students participating in a signal timing exercise.
The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT), in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration and its community partners, hosted a second open house public meeting for Future64 on January 18 between 4 and 7 p.m. at the COLLAB Workspace in Cortex, 4220 Duncan Avenue third floor, St. Louis, MO 63110.
During the meeting, engineers and planners discussed three potential corridor improvement options within the I-64 corridor between Kingshighway and Jefferson Avenue. Attendees could drop in anytime between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. as there was no formal presentation.
You can still access the information from the online virtual public meeting by clicking here, or visiting
The short video below includes a preview of the corridor improvement options and highlights the importance of your participation in Future 64:
We took part in the Forest Park Forever’s Reimagine Steinberg event On Saturday, October 8, 2022 from 4-7 p.m. with the Future64 Study team to give information about the project.
The event was part of an ongoing effort to transform Steinberg into a year-round destination for visitors. More information about this event and the project can be found at
The development of a purpose and need statement is one of the first big steps in the Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) process. Based on early feedback from key stakeholders, advisory groups, and the community, this planning activity begins to align the vision for the study. Proposed actions define the limits and range of study outcomes. The project’s needs and goals are intended to shape the alternatives to be considered in future transportation planning.
The Future64 team collaborated with one of our project partners, Great Rivers Greenway (GRG), to highlight what’s happening in the central corridor. GRG is the park and trail agency tasked with connecting the St. Louis region with greenways. On July 20 from 4 to 7 p.m., we co-hosted an event to learn more about the plans for the Brickline Greenway segment that will run through the central study area from Sarah Street to Grand MetroLink. Participants enjoyed music and activities while meeting the Brickline team. The Future64 team provided updates on the progress of the study.
The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT), in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration and its community partners, hosted an open house style public meeting on Future64 May 18, 2022 between 4 and 7 p.m. at the City Foundry Food Hall, 3730 Foundry Way, St. Louis, MO 63110. Thank you for attending the Future64 Study Public Open House. Your input and ideas will help the project team determine the best ways to make I-64 a better fit for the central corridor.
During the meeting, engineers and planners discussed community transportation needs within the I-64 corridor between Kingshighway and Jefferson Avenue with attendees. Participants were led through a series of interactive activities designed to find out what type of transportation projects the community wants in this area. Attendees also had the opportunity to share their insights and thoughts about the corridor.
If you were not able to attend our open house, the virtual presentation is available here. Click Photos to view pictures from the event.
The short video below explains the PEL process and the importance of community engagement with Future 64:
MoDOT is examining I-64 between Kingshighway and Jefferson including interchanges, overpasses, surface streets, and bike/ped facilities.